Gaza: 1987-2005

Kongsikan Bersama

1987= 1st Intifada
– 7 Disember 1987 – a non violent civil revolt ereupted in Gaza and quickly spread in West Bank.
– Israel crush the revolt and brought to massive force.
-kids grandmothers involved)
-1000 palestinian killed until 1993, 130k palestinian injured

September 1993
-Oslo Accord. PLO formerly recogniez Israel on paper. The palestinian got nothing in return.
– 5 year interim Period to Israel and PLO find a resolution to the conflict..but that never heappened
– Israel was able to succesfully to recruit the PLO =PLO became subscontractor to Israel..
-PLO took prequsites power, VIP status…then bacame Palestinian Authority.
-PA actually administration/police acted at Israel behest.
-*Israel decided to rationalize its occupation,
* the P.L.O. at that time
was desperate and also was already very corrupt.

-Sept 2000 (2nd Intifada)
* civil manner as the first intifada.
* But the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, decide that “we have to inflict maximum death from the get…
* The first few days, Israel fired a million shells at the Palestinians protesting
* The end of the third week, was 20 Palestinian deaths versus one Israeli death.
*Second Intifada would go out of control and would turn violent.
*2,400 Palestinians killed, 800 Israelis killed(3:1)– vast majority
were civillion

2005 (Israeli redeployed troops in Gaza)
never withdrew from Gaza.
*its settlers were removed from Gaza, but Israel simply redeployed its forces from within Gaza to the perimeter of Gaza.
*Israel, from that day
until today, under international law, remains the occupying power in Gaza.

Kongsikan Bersama