Gaza: 2006-2018

Kongsikan Bersama

-Parlimentary election in West bank and Gaza.
-US exhoreted all palestinian all participated in the election..Pelestinian were askled to carry out election
-Hamas won the election
-Jimmy Carter—comnpletely honest and fair election
-Hllary Clinton said US made a mistake
-US, EU Israle impose a brutal blockade on Gaza…
– Hamas made a statement (Include Jimmmy Carter statement) that they were preapared to negotiate with Israel on the basis terms of international law and resolution 242.
-Diplomatic efffort by Hamsas reach an impass because Israel did not accpet the ligitmimacy of Hams as negotioater partner.

-2007 (Israel Overthrew Hamas Gov)
*In 2007, the U.S., the EU, and Israel attempted a coup to overthrow the Hamas government.
*Hamas foiled the coup, and at that
point, Israel and the U.S. and E.U. ratcheted up the blockade.

– 2008(Operation Cast Lead)
* December 26th, 2008, Israel launched its murderous assaults on Gaza.
* I’m now going to refer, Operation Cast Lead, was the best known.
* Amnesty International called “the 22 Days of Death and Destruction.”
*Why did Israel launch Operation Cast Lead?
*It was very clear at the
time Israel had suffered a dramatic military defeat in 2006 in Lebanon when to war with the Hezbollah and the Hezbollah inflicted a massive
defeat on Israel.
* Sayyed Nasrallah called “the divine
victory.” And Israel now was concerned –
* After the victory by Hezbollah, the Arabs would no longer fear Israel.
* So Israel wanted to restore its deterrence capacity and launched a murderous assault on Gaza.
*1,400 Gazans were killed. Majority were civilians. 350 Gazan children were killed.
* On the Israeli side, ten combatants were killed, and three children were killed.
* Israel also flattened 6,000 homes in Gaza.
*Richard Goldstone issued a report in fine detail what he called war crimes and possible crimes against humanity that Israel inflicted in the course of those “22 days of death and destruction.”

-2014 (Operation Defensive Shield)
*Israel launched another intensive assault lasted 51 days.
*The head of the
president of the Red Cross, Peter Moorer (He’s seen many a warzone), said after visiting Gaza, “I’ve never seen such massive destruction
ever before.”
* 550 children were killed, 18,000 homes were destroyed.

-2018 (Great March of Return)
*Palestinians overwhelmingly and non
violently tried to breach that blockade of their home.
* And there weren’t many
human rights reports issued, but there were some. And the most exhaustive and authoritative one, concluded, and now I’m calling from memory…
* Israel targeted a non-violent civil protest to try to break that blockade of Gaza.
* It targeted children, it targeted
medical personnel, it targeted journalists, and it targeted people who have physical
disabilities as in on wheelchairs.

– The were several massacres procceding in 2008-9
– 26 Dis 2008…major masscres Operation Cast Led..Israel killed 1200Gazans , 350 children, destroyed 6300 homes, the factory, electrical palnts,

Kongsikan Bersama